La Dama Boba experiment: Motivating youngster towawrds classic theater
La Dama Boba is a pilot experiment aiming to motivate high-schoolers towards classical theater.
The ultimately responsible of this project is Borja Manero, who designed and implemented a videogame based on “La Dama Boba”, Lope de Vega´s theater play. The aim of the videogame is to motivate youngster on classic theater plays letting students become familiar with the plot and the characters before they attend the theater play. This goal is achieved making avatars interesting to players, by incorporating different theater techniques within their personalities and including the elements that can be used as audiovisual contents, such as: music, scenery and dressing.
The game has been tested with more than 700 students in Madrid. Results of the experiment have been published in international journals, and currently, remains as a researching lines in e-UCM group.