Scientific dissemination

Non-stop scientific production
Results of our work have been published in different magazines and in national and international scientific congress. We pay special attention to magazines with high impact factors, as Computers & Education, Computers in Human Behaviour, International Journal of Medical Informatics, or IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.
You can find below a selection of highlighted publications. To see the full list,
You can select one of our categories or check all of our highlighted publications

Development of Game-Like Simulations for Procedural Knowledge in Healthcare Education
We present EGDA, an Educational Game Development Approach focused on the teaching of procedural knowledge in healthcare using a cost-effective approach, which is the result of 7 years of continued research.

Towards a Low Cost Adaptation of Educational Games for People with Disabilities
In this paper we propose a system that automatically or semi-automatically adapts an eAdventure game for people with disabilities. The ultimate goal is to reduce the cost needed to make an educational game accessible.
Interesting links
Here are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)Pages
- About us
- Alma Barrera
- Ana Rus Cano Moreno
- Ángel del Blanco Aguado
- Ángel del Blanco’s papers
- Ángel Serrano Laguna
- Antonio Calvo Morata
- Antonio Navarro
- Baltasar Fernández Manjón
- Blanca Borro Escribano
- Borja Manero
- Contact
- Cristina Alonso Fernandez
- Dan Cristian Roratu
- eAdventure 2.0 development blog
- Estadística
- Eugenio J Marchiori
- Former members
- Full publication list
- Homepage
- Iván J. Pérez Colado
- Iván Martínez Ortiz
- Javier Bravo
- Javier Torrente
- Javier Torrente’s papers
- Manuel Freire Morán
- Pablo Moreno Ger
- Pilar Sancho Thomas
- Projects
- Publications
- uAdventure
- Víctor Manuel Pérez Colado