Research. Development. Innovation

These are the projects we are currently working on
We conduct our research activity through several projects of different nature. On the one hand, we participate in writing and executing proposals of projects in cooperation with international and Spanish partners for funding opportunities like the 7th Framework Programme or the Lifelong Learning Programme. These projects represent most of our funding. But on the other hand, we carry out other projects, that we call experimental, which are purely driven by the personal initiative and determination of our research members and by our commitment to push the frontiers of e-learning research further.
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¿Qué instrumento médico ha supuesto un mayor avance a la hora de reducir la tasa de mortalidad en cirugía y reducir las complicaciones en el post operatorio?
Interesting links
Here are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)Pages
- About us
- Alma Barrera
- Ana Rus Cano Moreno
- Ángel del Blanco Aguado
- Ángel del Blanco’s papers
- Ángel Serrano Laguna
- Antonio Calvo Morata
- Antonio Navarro
- Baltasar Fernández Manjón
- Blanca Borro Escribano
- Borja Manero
- Contact
- Cristina Alonso Fernandez
- Dan Cristian Roratu
- eAdventure 2.0 development blog
- Estadística
- Eugenio J Marchiori
- Former members
- Full publication list
- Homepage
- Iván J. Pérez Colado
- Iván Martínez Ortiz
- Javier Bravo
- Javier Torrente
- Javier Torrente’s papers
- Manuel Freire Morán
- Pablo Moreno Ger
- Pilar Sancho Thomas
- Projects
- Publications
- uAdventure
- Víctor Manuel Pérez Colado